Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We're here to help.
Will I ever be singled out?

No. We will not embarrass anyone by asking them to stand or call special attention to them in any way. We simply ask for a record of your visit. We will not bombard you with phone calls, nor will we stop by uninvited.

Will I be asked to give money if I come?

Like any other church, we receive an offering every Sunday during the worship service. We see that as an act of worship and an expression of love, given by those who consider BCC their church home. You however, as our guest, are not expected to give an offering. Of course if you choose to give, we will not deny you this expression of worship and appreciation toward our Heavenly Father.

What is the Lord’s Supper about?

Also commonly referred to as communion, this is an opportunity for Christians to reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Lord’s Supper consists of a piece of unleavened bread and a cup of grape juice – simple reminders of the common elements used when Jesus instituted this practice 2000 years ago. We observe the Lord’s Supper weekly and all who believe in Christ are welcome to participate to remember the sacrifice Christ made on the cross for us.

What are the worship services like?

We offer two worship services each Sunday morning, one is contemporary and one is traditional. The contemporary service is led in worship by a band and praise singers. We use contemporary songs that you could hear on many Christian music stations. The traditional service uses hymns accompanied by piano and organ. Every worship service focuses on Christ and His inerrant word, the Bible. The messages here are practical, yet inspirational. We hope to provide something that you can apply to your daily life, something that will help you through the week.

What is appropriate dress?

At our church you will see different styles of dress. Some men will wear Dockers & polo shirts, and some wear blue jeans or shorts. Occasionally, someone will wear a suit, but not often. For ladies it’s much the same. Some will wear dresses, others wear pant suits and some casual pants. We do not have a dress code per se, dress how you feel comfortable. We simply ask that the Biblical precedent of modesty be followed.

What is the time of invitation?

At the end of the service we offer a time for people to make a decision for Christ. The decision could be public or simply private. A public decision might involve surrendering to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior by confession and being baptized for the remission of sins, and by doing this you also become a member of the church as well. Another public decision might be for someone who is already an immersed believer in Christ to transfer their church membership to BCC. And some may seek special prayer and support for issues they are struggling with. Whatever decision you wish to make, we encourage you to come forward during the invitation song and meet our minister down at the front. Private decisions involve all of us as we are motivated through the worship service to put into practice the challenge put before us.

What is baptism all about?

We practice baptism by immersion. This event is a part of a person’s decision to surrender his/her life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in order to become a Christian. Baptism is usually done during the Sunday morning worship service.

Is your church mission minded?

Around 25% of our budget goes to missions to be used locally and around the world. Our missions team has a passion to share the gospel with lost people and to help meet physical needs as we have the opportunity.